Having worked 12 years with Founder Kemp Massengill and his medical company, Mednovus, in partnership with Siemens, I am very impressed not only with Kemp’s talent, intelligence, passion, and innovative abilities, but especially with his integrity and loyalty as a team player to all of us at Siemens. He is as fine a human being and caring professional as you can find anywhere, and I will always value our excellent relationship.
- Felix Rajan, Sales Executive / Siemens Medical Solutions, USA, Inc.
Quantum Magnetics, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of GE Homeland Protection, Inc., is honored to be asked to continue its support of Mednovus in the development of new products to enhance MRI safety. Your dedication to MRI safety over the past has set an inspiring example. It is bearing fruit in your successful hand-held Target Scanner, and in the Sentinel series of pre-MRI portals.
- Cameron Richie, PhD, Site Leader / GE Security
Kemp and Mednovus passionately pursued making MRIs safer for millions of people undergoing MRI every year. This same burning passion is now exhibited in UltraLogic 6G, and UL6G’s sister company, Autonomous Roadway Intelligence. In many years of working with talented professionals, I have never associated with anyone more dedicated to true excellence.
- Richard McClure, Co-Director / Eastman Kodak, San Diego Labs